Toothaches: How to Help Your Teenager

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  • Toothaches in teenagers require identifying the cause & appropriate treatment by a dentist
  • Home remedies like warm salt water, cold compress, pain relievers, and clove oil can help alleviate the pain.
  • Encouraging good oral hygiene habits, drinking enough water, and wearing mouthguards during sports can prevent toothaches.
  • Orthodontic procedures and injuries can also cause toothaches in teenagers, so it is important to practice preventative measures.
  • Regular dental visits and avoiding smoking and excessive sugar intake can also preserve oral health.

Toothaches can be challenging, especially if the person experiencing them is a teenager. Apart from the pain, teenage dental needs can be quite different from those of adults as teenagers continue to grow and change. As a parent, the responsibility of helping your teenager through a toothache can fall on you, but where do you start?

This blog post will discuss different ways to help your teenager when they have a toothache.

1. Identify the cause of the toothache:

It’s crucial to determine the root cause of the toothache before jumping into any remedies. Possible causes of toothaches include cavities, gum disease, tooth decay or impaction, orthodontic procedures, and injury. These potential causes can be determined by visiting your dentist for an examination. Once the cause is identified, you can proceed with an appropriate option to help alleviate the pain.

A modern dental clinic

2. Visit the dentist:

If the toothache persists, scheduling an appointment with your dentist is crucial. Treating the underlying cause of the toothache is essential to ensure your teenager’s long-term dental health. Your dentist can quickly diagnose the problem and provide appropriate treatment. They may prescribe painkillers and antibiotics or even suggest a dental procedure.

For example, if the pain comes from an impaction of the wisdom teeth, your dentist might suggest the removal of the said teeth. You may be referred to a local oral surgeon specializing in dental extractions. They will be able to safely remove the impacted teeth and provide your teen with relief from the pain.

3. Home remedies may help:

There are several home remedies that you can try to help your teenager ease the pain of a toothache. These include the following:

a. Rinsing their mouth with warm salt water

Salt water helps to clean the area and reduce inflammation. The warm temperature can also soothe the pain temporarily.

b. Applying a cold compress on their cheek

Applying a cold compress on the affected area can help to reduce swelling and numb the pain. This method is beneficial if the pain is due to an injury.

c. Taking pain relievers such as ibuprofen or aspirin

These medications can help to temporarily relieve the pain. You must consult your doctor before giving these medications to your teenager, as they may cause side effects.

d. Applying clove oil on the affected area

Clove oil has been used for centuries to help reduce painful toothaches. To reduce pain, you can apply a few drops of clove oil directly on the affected area.

A young woman putting toothpaste on a toothbrush

4. Tell them to maintain oral hygiene:

It’s essential to encourage your teenager to maintain good oral hygiene habits. Flossing, brushing twice daily, and using an antiseptic mouthwash can help prevent toothaches and alleviate the pain. It’s also essential to ensure they’re drinking enough water, which promotes the production of saliva and helps wash away any food debris or bacteria in the oral cavity.

If they wear braces, it’s important to remind them to brush after every meal and floss daily. This will help keep the braces clean and debris-free, which can lead to tooth decay or other oral hygiene issues. Interdental brushes can also be used to clean around the brackets and wires of braces. They are especially helpful for those with crowded teeth.

5. Prevention is better than cure:

Encouraging your teenager to maintain good oral hygiene habits, scheduling regular dental visits, and avoiding habits like smoking or excessive sugar intake can go a long way in preventing toothaches. These lifestyle changes can help your teenager have better oral health and fewer episodes of toothache.

Promoting safe sports practices and using a mouthguard when participating in contact sports is also essential. Because collisions and falls can lead to dental injuries that cause pain and discomfort, it’s essential to teach your teenager the proper techniques for avoiding injury. Tell them to wear a mouthguard when playing sports to protect their teeth and gums from injury.

Parenting a teenager can be challenging, but knowing how to help them through a toothache is crucial. Identifying the root cause of the pain, trying home remedies, encouraging good oral hygiene practices, and practicing preventative measures can all help alleviate the pain and maintain your teenager’s dental health. Ensuring your teenage child receives high-quality dental care will allow them to enjoy life without the constant pain of toothache.

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