Children and Cancer: What You Need to Know About it

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Children are prone to all kinds of illnesses. Some of the most common diseases children face are stomach flu, chickenpox, eczema, and more. However, these common illnesses don’t tend to be fatal, and most children recover from them quickly.

One of the most common illnesses among adults and older people is cancer. Children are less likely to have cancer because their cells are still dividing and growing quickly. However, this doesn’t mean they are impervious to it. Children can still get cancer, and it can be pretty devastating in their lives.

Children and Cancer

While cancer is not as common in children as in adults, it can still be a severe diagnosis. Children with cancer often undergo complex treatments, like chemotherapy and radiation.

These treatments can make them very sick and tired. Parents need to be there for their kids and help them through it. Cancer treatments can also be costly. If you have a child with cancer, you might consider looking into financial assistance options.

Thankfully, it’s pretty rare for a child to develop or be born with cancer. There are only about 15,000 children in the United States that have cancer. The main reason why only so few children get cancer has been stated earlier: children ‘s cells are still dividing quickly.

Cell Division and Cancer

Cancer happens when cells in the body divide and grow uncontrollably. It happens because of mistakes in the DNA. DNA is the code that tells people’s cells what to do.

When these mistakes, or mutations, happen in the DNA, it can cause the cell to divide and grow out of control. Most of the time, our bodies can fix these mistakes. But sometimes, the mistakes stay in the DNA and cause problems.

Cancer cells are different from normal cells in a few ways. They grow and divide much faster than regular cells. They don’t die when they’re supposed to.

And they can spread to other parts of the body, where they continue to grow and divide. This is how cancer can spread through the body and cause different problems. However, children’s cells divide faster than adults’ cells, so they are less likely to get cancer.

A teenager with leukemia

Cancer That Children Are Likely to Develop

There are different types of cancer that children are more likely to develop. The most common type of childhood cancer is leukemia.


Leukemia is a cancer of the blood cells. It happens when the DNA in the blood cells gets mutated and causes them to grow and divide out of control.

Leukemia is the most common type of childhood cancer, accounting for about 1/3 of all cases. It is most common in children between the ages of 3 and 5. The good news is that leukemia is also the most likely type of childhood cancer to be cured.

Another common type of childhood cancer is brain tumors.

Brain Tumors

Brain tumors happen when the cells in the brain divide and grow out of control. They can be benign (not cancerous) or malignant (cancerous).

Brain tumors are the second most common type of childhood cancer, accounting for about 1/4 of all cases. They are most common in children between the ages of 5 and 9.

The good news is that cancer centers can treat many brain tumors with surgery, and children who have them recover completely.

Other Types of Childhood Cancer

There are other types of childhood cancer that are less common but still happen. These include:

  • Lymphoma

    A cancer of the lymphocytes, a type of white blood cell.

  • Retinoblastoma

    A cancer of the eye usually occurs in children under the age of 5.

  • Wilms tumor

    A kidney cancer that usually occurs in children under the age of 5.

  • Neuroblastoma:

    Cancer that starts in the nervous system.

  • Bone cancer

    Cancer that starts in the bones.

Cancer Treatment for Children

The treatment for childhood cancer is usually different from the treatment for adult cancer. This is because children’s bodies are still growing and developing, and they can’t handle certain treatments as well as adults can.

For example, children’s bodies can’t handle chemotherapy as well as adults’ bodies can. So, doctors usually give lower doses of chemotherapy to children. They also often use different chemotherapy drugs that are less likely to cause side effects.

It’s good to have cancer treatment in a center that offers specialized care and gives accurate diagnoses. For example, Causenta Wellness and Cancer Care Center is a place that provides such services. At Causenta, doctors use advanced testing to determine which treatments will work best for each patient. The personalized approach is more likely to lead to a successful treatment than the one-size-fits-all approach that many hospitals take.

Cancer treatment can be very hard on children and their families. It’s essential to have a support system to help you through it. Ensure that your child gets the care they need and that you’re there whenever they need you.

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