The Essential Guide to Designing a Sleep-friendly Bedroom

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One important aspect of a serene and comfortable home is the sleeping space, more commonly referred to as the bedroom. To get a restful sleep, you need a good place to relax and rest. The thing is, we often neglect the importance of creating one because of our day-to-day stressors or busy work schedules.

Designing a serene ambiance for quality sleep generally involves a practical setup and visual design, from sound to lighting. So, whether you’re seeking to overcome a sleeping problem or just provide yourself with a place for rest, remodeling your bedroom is an amazing idea. Let’s explore below how you can do that.

1. Focus on air quality

Improving the air quality of your room is an excellent way to have better sleep quality. It plays a role in your overall comfort level, allergy symptoms, and breathing patterns. One vital aspect of creating a more comfortable bedroom is your air-conditioning system. Keep your A/C unit in good working order, either through routine maintenance or repair, to ensure you reap its benefits. Some notable perks include better indoor air quality, easier sleep, cooler temperatures, fewer parasites and insects, and protection of your devices from overheating. If your unit has a sleep mode, use it for a more regulated and comfortable temperature and better sleeping patterns.

2. Minimize the clutter

A sleeping space filled with visual clutter will just give you stress, making it hard for you to sleep fast and deep. To get a better quality of sleep, organize every item in your space. Disorganized things may reinforce the sensation of having tons of loose ends. Give your mind and body the chance to relax and fall asleep by getting rid of things that may generate anxious feelings. A simple task like reviewing what you need and don’t can make it easier for you to deal with an enormous amount of clutter. It would also be best to keep your clothes and other items in a closed hamper or drawers to get them out of sight.

3. Check the mattress and bedding

The next important thing to look into is your bed. It’s the centerpiece of your sleeping area, after all. To achieve personal firmness preference, the matter should be comfortable, supportive, and well-built. These characteristics are vital to ensure that there is enough pressure point relief for your sleeping position and body weight. Experts suggest investing in a new mattress to reduce back pain and stress and boost quality sleep.

Apart from your mattress, other items that play a huge role in creating an excellent bed are your sheets, pillows, and blankets. For instance, your bedding can give you a cozy feeling while helping you manage body temperature, and your pillows can keep your spine and head aligned while preventing neck pain.

woman sound asleep

4. Keep the room dark

The light signals entering your optic nerves impact your internal alarm clock. Exposure to electrical light affects the proper regulation of sleep-wake cycles. Experts claim that darkness is vital for achieving a regular sleep clock and deep, restorative sleep. That said, you can cover or completely turn off your electronic lights before sleeping. You can just install an under-bed light or motion-activated night light if you need a guide when going to the bathroom.

On the other hand, if you tend to sleep past sunrise and worry about your windows letting light in, put up some blackout window shades to keep the room dark. But if you’re concerned about the shades ruining your room’s aesthetics, wearing a sleep mask would be more ideal.

5. Use calming scents

Last on our list is incorporating the best scents for your sleeping space. One popular way to do this is through aromatherapy. Scented candles can’t just help you relax or feel good but can also soften your room’s lighting. However, remember to blow out the candles before you go to sleep to avoid accidents like fire.

Researchers found that lavender oil can lower skin temperature, heart rate, and blood pressure. At the same time, you’d also want to choose a scent that you love for your laundry detergent so your bedding and sheets will not cause undue sneezing or nose irritation while sleeping.

There are many habits or techniques that you can do to get more restful sleep. But if your sleeping space is not designed to soothe, you obviously can’t have a complete R&R. Remember that whether it’s a big or small change, it can have a huge impact on your sleep. Start optimizing your room now.

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