What To Do When Your Child Has an Impacted Wisdom Tooth

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  • It is recommended to schedule an appointment with a dentist to evaluate and diagnose the impacted wisdom tooth’s specific location, size, and shape.
  • You may want to consider medical treatment options such as antibiotics or pain relievers to reduce inflammation and alleviate discomfort.
  • Discuss the options for surgically removing the impacted tooth with your dentist to determine the best action.
  • If the impacted wisdom tooth needs to be removed, schedule the surgery and allow enough time for pre-operative tests and recovery.

Impacted wisdom teeth can be a painful and worrisome experience for parents and children. When your child’s wisdom teeth are impacted, they have not properly erupted through the gum line due to a lack of space in their mouth. Left untreated can lead to pain, infection, and other oral health issues. Fortunately, treatments are available to help relieve your child’s discomfort and prevent further complications.

Visit a dentist for an evaluation and diagnosis

Visiting a dentist for an evaluation and diagnosis is the first step when dealing with impacted wisdom teeth. Here are some tips on what should be done:

Get an X-ray

An x-ray showing an impacted wisdom tooth

When a child has an impacted wisdom tooth, it’s important to get an X-ray to determine its exact location, size, and shape. An X-ray is a diagnostic tool that uses a small amount of radiation to capture images of bones and teeth inside the mouth. To properly get an X-ray of an impacted wisdom tooth, the child must sit or stand still while the X-ray machine is maneuvered around the outside of the mouth.

The dentist or oral surgeon will then examine the X-ray images to determine the best action to remove the impacted tooth. An accurate X-ray of the impacted tooth is crucial to avoid any complications or further damage to the surrounding teeth and bones.

Consider medical treatment options

When addressing an impacted wisdom tooth in your child, it is crucial to consider the appropriate medical treatment options, such as antibiotics or pain relievers. Making informed decisions about these options can aid in minimizing your child’s discomfort while enhancing their oral health.

When selecting an antibiotic, it is important to understand the specific bacteria causing the infection and select the appropriate medication to properly treat it. Additionally, pain relievers can help reduce inflammation and alleviate discomfort caused by an impacted wisdom tooth. Consulting with a dental professional can provide helpful insight into specific treatment options that may be most effective for your child’s needs.

Review surgical removal options with your dentist

When discussing surgical removal options for an impacted wisdom tooth in your child, it’s important to approach the conversation in a thoughtful and informed manner. As a concerned parent, it’s natural to want the best for your child and to feel apprehensive about any surgical procedure.

However, it’s crucial to remember that the surgical removal of an impacted wisdom tooth can help to prevent future dental issues, such as infection or damage to neighboring teeth. To ensure that you discuss surgical removal options properly with your dentist, it’s advisable to prepare a list of questions and take the time to understand each option in detail.

This will help you and your dentist make an informed decision that’s best for your child’s unique needs. By approaching the discussion with a willingness to learn and a commitment to your child’s dental health, you’ll not only feel more confident in your decision, but you’ll also set your child on a path to a lifetime of optimal dental health.

Schedule surgery if needed

Scheduling surgery to remove an impacted wisdom tooth for your child can be daunting. Ensuring that the procedure is carried out at the right time and properly is crucial. Proper scheduling allows for ample time for pre-operative tests, ensuring the patient is healthy enough to undergo surgery.

Additionally, it guarantees that the surgery is carried out by a qualified surgeon in a safe and sterile environment. Most importantly, proper scheduling ensures that your child is given sufficient time to recover before returning to school or work. Any complications arising during surgery can also be identified early on, mitigating potential risks to your child’s health.

Follow post-operative instructions

When your child has an impacted wisdom tooth, following the post-operative instructions given to you by your dentist with the utmost care is essential. These instructions ensure your child heals properly, without developing complications or infections.

Following them exactly as directed can be the difference between a quick and successful recovery and a prolonged and painful one. Understanding that impacted wisdom teeth can cause various problems, from pain and discomfort to infection and bone loss, is crucial. Therefore, taking the necessary precautions and adhering to the post-operative instructions is crucial to ensure a smooth healing process for your child.

Maintain good oral hygiene at home

A woman brushing her teeth happily

Proper oral hygiene is crucial for a healthy mouth, especially regarding potential wisdom teeth issues. By consistently following a routine of brushing twice a day for two minutes each time and flossing once a day, you can help prevent future dental problems.

It is also important to consider switching to a soft-bristled toothbrush if your child is experiencing tooth sensitivity. Remind them to replace their toothbrush every three to four months or when the bristles begin to fray. Encourage a healthy diet with limited sugary and acidic foods to prevent enamel erosion.

These are just a few tips to help you care for your child’s impacted wisdom teeth. To manage impacted wisdom teeth, it’s crucial to remain updated and adhere to the guidance of your dental professional or oral surgeon.

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