Proper Posture in Children: Best Practices

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A lot of children these days are growing up with poor posture. In a recent survey, the US Consumer Product Safety Commission found that 75% of youngsters aged 8 to 12 were reporting back discomfort. Although several reasons can contribute to this statistic, one of the main culprits is the increasing use of technology.

As parents, you can help your children improve their posture and prevent back pain later in life by teaching them proper posture habits from an early age. Here are some tips on how to do just that:

Avoid extended periods of sitting.

Prolonged sitting can lead to poor posture and back pain. Studies show that sitting for more than 30 minutes can reduce blood flow, contributing to muscle tightness and pain. As a result, posture deteriorates, and the spine rounds forward.

So, ensure your child takes breaks often and moves around when possible. A great technique to get them moving is to set a timer for every 20 minutes and have them walk around or do some simple exercises for at least 2 minutes when it goes off. This way, they won’t become too engrossed in sitting for long periods.

Another way to avoid extended periods of sitting is to encourage your child to participate in physical activities they enjoy. It could be anything from playing tag to joining a sports team. As long as they move around, they’re less likely to experience back pain later.

Maintain good posture when sitting.

At times, it might not be possible to avoid sitting for long periods, such as when your child is doing homework or playing video games. In these cases, it’s crucial to ensure they maintain good posture.

Aside from teaching them the right way to sit, you can also invest in a comfortable chair that supports their back. If they often sit for long periods, getting them an ergonomic chair that can swivel and adjust to their height is best. This type of chair will help reduce the risk of developing back pain.

Although this chair might come at a higher cost, it’s worth the investment as it can help improve your child’s posture and prevent back pain.

Encourage them to stand up straight.

One of the simplest yet most effective ways to help your child improve their posture is to encourage them to stand up straight. This simple act can do wonders for their stance and alleviate back pain.

Of course, getting children to stand up straight is not always easy, especially when they’re engrossed in playing with their friends or focused on something else. A great way to remind them is to include it in your daily routine. For example, you can set aside 10 minutes daily to stand up straight and tall with your child.

When you enforce this activity regularly, it’ll become a habit, and they’ll eventually start doing it on their own.

a little boy wearing a posture appliance to support back

Use Posture Corrective Devices

If your child can’t help returning to their poor posture, using devices that allow improving posture is a great idea. These devices work by reminding the user to maintain good posture.

One such device is the Lumo Lift. It’s a small, wearable device that attaches to your clothing and provides gentle vibrations when you slouch. The haptic feedback encourages you to sit or stand up straight, improving your posture over time.

While these devices can help improve your child’s posture, you should only use them upon the advice of a professional. Sometimes, devices can do more harm than good, so it’s best to consult with a doctor or physiotherapist first.

Posture Exercises

Scoliosis, slouching, and kyphosis are children’s most common posture problems. You can improve these conditions with specific exercises designed to target those areas.

Exercises for scoliosis include side bends and trunk rotations. It helps the spine to become more flexible and can significantly reduce the appearance of scoliosis. Meanwhile, you can perform back extensions and Superman holds to fix slouching.

If you’re unsure how to do these exercises correctly, it’s best to seek professional help from a physiotherapist or doctor. They can assess your child’s posture and recommend the best practices for their condition.

It’s essential to help your child improve their posture at an early age. By implementing the tips above, you can set them on the right track to maintaining good posture into adulthood. Doing so will help reduce the risk of developing back pain and other problems associated with poor posture. Although there are many ways to improve posture, each child is different, so it’s best to consult a professional before trying new methods. Once you get the all-clear, you can start helping your child improve their posture and enjoy better health in the long run.

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