Spicing Up Your Wardrobe with Color

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There’s so much possibility that sits in a closet. Most of the time it’s not about the pieces a person doesn’t own, it’s about perspective. Seeing things in a new light. It doesn’t matter if a wardrobe only has pieces from last year. It’s all about knowing how to work with what’s already there.

If a wardrobe’s looking boring, refresh the mind. Not all options are exhausted. Instead, play with the one thing that’s half the fun in putting an outfit together: color.

This is the time to be brave and playful with color. Follow these tips on how to put together an outfit based on color, and make a shift in perspective. After all, fashion is self-expression, as they say. What better way to express yourself than with the help of colors?

Refer to Color Forecasts

Orchid flower is said to be the color of 2022. It’s an eye-catching rose shade with purple undertones that will surely turn heads. It’s more on the bolder, louder side but it’s nice to dip our toes in another color other than the neon green and brown color trends. It’s forecasted that orchid flowers will be a big hit to young consumers,  expecting this color not just in fashion, but in interior design and beauty too.

Get ahead of the curve and spot great pieces of this color. A great color to pair with orchid flowers is black, making an outfit classy and sophisticated. It’s vibrant, youthful, and full of life.

Go With What Suits Your Skin Tone

Notice how some colors compliment you while others don’t? That’s because skin tone has a role in how that plays.

A rule-of-thumb in determining optimal colors for a skin tone is by looking at the veins on the wrist. Observe if they appear blue or green under your skin. Blue veins mean that a person has a cool skin tone while green veins mean warmer skin tone. For cool undertones, jewel tones, muted colors, crisp whites, and blue shades are ideal.


Meanwhile, warm undertones go well with earth tones, taupe off-white, orange, and yellow. Darker complexions can rock rich, earthy shades while paler tones go with cool, dense hues. However, neutral complexions can go with almost any shade.

When in doubt, opt for the safer route; colors red, teal, and dark purple flatter most skin tones.

Play With Color Combos

There are multiple ways to go about this, be it by going on Pinterest, following your favorite fashion icon on Instagram, or studying the color wheel. There are Complimentary and analogous palettes, monochromatic schemes, and other references found online, but the best ones will always be the ones tried and tested firsthand.

Even then, there’s more to explore and experiment with, especially in terms of patterns and textures. Think of how all these factors mesh in putting together something as simple as an outfit for brunch to an elegant long sleeve lace wedding dress on your wedding day; it’s transformational!

One basic principle in color combos is always contrast. Contrasting colors add dimension to an outfit and makes it look less boring. For example, a lilac top, magenta skirt, and pink trainers. Observing closely, one can see that the pattern goes as follows: light, dark, light.

Comfort Colors

Basics are every foundation of a wardrobe. This includes a white t-shirt, a pair of blue denim jeans, brown boots, and the like. These pieces are so buildable and matchable that they can be their own capsule wardrobe. Just plain yet staple pieces that make a good foundation for building an outfit. The colors that are involved are usually shades of white, black, grey, brown, and a sprinkle of blue (from denim).

For days when you’re short on time or feeling a little lazy, basics are great to fall back on.  They’re a trusted default without sacrificing looking good. For other days though, they can be the blank canvas for a pop of color. A black camisole can go with a blue satin maxi skirt, or a pair of rust-colored wide pants paired with a white button-up, for example. Everything just looks good together.

Colors are more telling of a person’s state of mind than we think. The recent trends in color were those inspired by nature, probably reflecting what the past year looked like for many being stuck indoors. In any case, it’s one definitive element in putting together an outfit. Realizing what resources and tools are available to expand your wardrobe will make it transformational. All it takes is a fresh pair of eyes, creativity, and a dash of inspiration.

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