Why Good Education Matters in 2021

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Education is something that many often take for granted. Many people think it’s a sheer waste of time and that they can get by in life without it. Of course, many people also think the opposite, believing it to be very crucial in finding success in life. For parents and their children, education poses a bit more than the usual “can you get a job with it” discussion.

Providing children a good education is something all parents think deeply about. We want children, the people of tomorrow, to be raised as upstanding individuals. We want them to receive good quality and comprehensive learning in school and everywhere else around them. But where exactly does education lie in the world today, and how do schools play a part in it?

Education is Important, Now More than Ever

The world is undergoing drastic changes. A worldwide pandemic, the volatile economy, a struggling job market– it is in these times when being well-educated matters the most. School and education have never been more important, as with these changes comes the need to be well equipped for success. The skills, knowledge, and information one can get at school will be a tool to improve children’s lives and make them prepared for life.

Builds Character and Confidence. In a classroom filled with a group of kids where each individual is different, each one can flourish through participative and engaging lessons. Through recitations, seat works, and group activities, each child is able to realize and showcase their abilities. It helps them learn where their skills lie, asserts faith and beliefs, and teaches them to be confident in their own abilities. These experiences are all essential to building character and personal growth.

Teaches Sociability. The moment a child steps into preschool or kindergarten, they’re exposed to other people. They learn how to work with authority (the teachers and staff), and collaborate with their peers (classmates and friends). This remains as one of the most important aspects of schooling- the knowledge to learn how to be with other people. It’s something that they will never stop using, and developing their social skills early on is beneficial in the long run.

Hones Problem-solving Abilities. Life doesn’t always go as planned, and being able to deal with it despite things going wrong is crucial. One of the most important things children learn in school is problem-solving abilities. Not just problem-solving in the context of a classroom lesson, but solving a problem in a general sense. Because kids will be put in challenging situations where they have to find a way to overcome it, they will develop the analytical skills to pinpoint a problem and find a solution.

Generates Opportunities. Someone with relevant skills and abilities is less likely to run out of a job. They have what’s needed to be competitive and competent in modern society- be it the tech skills that are in demand currently, or perennially relevant skills like plumbing, electricity, or even carpentry. School teaches students, not just abstract ideas and theories but practical abilities that can help them take advantage of opportunities presented before them.

Setting Up for Life. All of the points mentioned here all come together into one thing: preparing your child for life. It is during their schooling age where they develop most of their personality. It’s also when the fundamentals of their skills and abilities will be developed. It’s such an integral part of their growth as a human that it simply can’t be ignored.

Education is Going Back Home

mom and kid reading a book

The pandemic has forced the hand of many parents and educators. Traditional schooling simply isn’t effective anymore, as traveling and physically being at school is proven to be vulnerable to many events- not just a pandemic. The shift to a hybrid home-based and on-site education is likely to stay, and this is a benefit to parents wanting to make sure their child is learning.

Attending both school and study-at-home gives parents the opportunity to raise their children according to their faith or beliefs, while still providing the necessary skills for their children to navigate the modern world. The mixture of technology and conventional education methods allows for both the benefits of teacher-student interaction while taking advantage of the improvements in the educational technology sphere. All of these factors combined result in a better and more holistic learning experience for the child, preparing them for what their life has in store for them.

At the end of the day, education is still a critical part of a child’s life. Regardless of the events in the world, teaching kids how to navigate this world we live in is something that will always be significant.

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