How to Manage Children at Weddings

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If you’re planning a wedding, you’ve probably already considered how to keep your younger guests entertained. After all, children can be a handful, and the last thing you want is for them to be disruptive during your ceremony or reception. Luckily, there are a few simple tips you can follow to make sure your kids have an absolute blast at your wedding without getting in the way of it.

1. Assign someone to be in charge.

This can be a family member, friend, or even a professional babysitter. When choosing someone, consider your relationship with the person. Do you feel comfortable entrusting them with your children? If not, then they aren’t the right choice.

Second, consider whether or not the person is patient and good with kids. This is especially important if you have young children who will need extra care and attention. Finally, make sure that the person you choose is someone who you can rely on to show up on time and be responsible.

2. Create a kids’ table.

This can be a great way to keep the little ones occupied while the adults enjoy the reception. To do this, choose a theme that kids will love. This is one way to ensure the kids have a good time at the kids’ table.

If you’re unsure what kind of theme to choose, consider something classic like Disney or make it more personal with a family theme. Whatever you decide, make sure it’s something the kids will enjoy.

Once you’ve chosen your theme, it’s time to decorate the table. This is where you’ll want to get creative and have fun with it. You can include coloring books, sticker books, and other activities that will keep the kids entertained during the reception.

And don’t forget the snacks! Kids always love snacks, so include some on the table. You can even get creative with this and include some healthy options as well as some sweets. This is a great way to make sure the kids are well-fed and happy during the reception.

3. Hire entertainers.

A good kids entertainer will keep the little ones entertained so that the adults can enjoy the wedding reception. The first step is to do some research and find out which type of kids entertainer you would like at your wedding.

Would you like a clown? A magician? A face painter? Once you’ve decided on the type of entertainer you would like, you can start looking for specific entertainers in your area.

While doing this, if you know any other couples who have hired a kids entertainer for their wedding, ask them for recommendations. They may be able to put you in touch with someone who did a great job at their wedding.

When you’ve found a few potential kids’ entertainers, check out their reviews and testimonials. This will give you an idea of what other people have thought of their services. You can also ask the entertainers for references from previous clients.

Once you’ve narrowed down your options, it’s time to meet with them in person (or via Skype if they’re located far away). This is your chance to interview them and see if they’re the right fit for your wedding. Ask them about their experience, what type of entertainment they provide, and how much they charge.

After meeting with all the potential candidates, be sure to book your top choice well in advance so that they’re available on your wedding day.

A clown entertainer holding a red ball

4. Check if the wedding venue is child-friendly.

When narrowing down your list of potential wedding venues, give each a call and ask if they have experience hosting child-friendly weddings. This will give you an idea of how well-equipped they are to accommodate both adults and children. For example, some venues may not have highchairs or changing tables available, so it’s important to know this in advance.

Another thing to consider when figuring out if a wedding venue is child-friendly is whether or not there are activities for kids at the venue. If there’s a playground onsite or a pool that kids can use, that’s a good sign that the venue is child-friendly.

If there are no activities for kids at the wedding venue, you’ll need to consider how far away kids will have to go to find something to do. If the reception is in a building far away from where kids can play, that may not be ideal. However, if there’s a park or other attraction nearby, that may work out better.

Planning a wedding can be more stressful when there are kids involved. However, by assigning someone to be in charge of them, setting up a kids’ table, and hiring kid-friendly entertainers, you can help ensure the day goes off without a hitch. And finally, don’t forget to check if the venue is child-friendly before making any final decisions.

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