Parenting Strategies that can Build your Child’s Well-being

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For our children, it can be challenging knowing what approach is best. A child’s early years are significant as their brains are developing rapidly. During these formative years, parents have an opportunity to influence their child’s physical and emotional health by using positive parenting strategies that build resilience.

The key is to know what works in different situations so you can find a strategy that fits both you and your little one. Here are some tips on how to raise a happy and secure child.

Emotional Connections

Maintain an emotional connection by making eye contact, talking, singing, tickling, and hugging them. Positive parenting is about giving kids what they need, not necessarily what they want. It’s more about nurturing strong relationships than trying to control or manipulate them.

As a parent, you know your child best, so use your intuition when deciding what they need. The most important thing is to be consistent in handling different situations, learning boundaries, and feeling safe.

When to Use Time-out

In short intervals of 3 minutes or less, it can be helpful for children to ‘cool off’ during an emotional outburst; this applies to both you and them. Distracting them towards something more positive afterward can also help.

If you’re struggling with implementing the strategy, try talking through what happened after your child’s calm and discuss how you could have handled it better next time.

Monitor Media

Researchers found that children who spent more than two hours per day on screens had almost twice the odds of emotional problems compared with those who spent less than an hour. Considering it may be difficult for children to self-regulate their media use, parents have an essential role in managing the time kids spend looking at screens.

Children are naturally curious about the world around them, so encourage this by taking them to new places. It can be helpful to create a chart of activities that your child will do every week.

Routine and Consistency

Developing a routine or ritual with your child is crucial as it gives them predictability and reduces stress linked to anxiety and depression. A child who feels safe and secure is more likely to blossom.

A predictable routine will enable your child to feel safe and secure, allowing them to experience these positive emotions more frequently.

Sleep Matters

Sleep deprivation has been linked to emotional problems in young children. It is also an opportunity for closeness because children are most receptive to parental connection and support. Research shows the average pre-schooler needs 10 to 12 hours of sleep a night.

Have a relaxing wind-down routine before bedtime to get your child to bed. It might be a bath, reading a story, or singing a lullaby. Children will get tired if they are active during the day and their bodies grow while they sleep.

Positive Discipline

Children learn by example, so you must be getting a good one. When your child behaves well, acknowledge them for their excellent behavior and choose a reward to give them when they’re acting positively.

Positive discipline helps children understand the link between actions and consequences. Children who are held accountable for their actions can learn from their mistakes or take responsibility for what they’ve constructively done wrong.

The best outcomes occur when parents use positive discipline with understanding and empathy. Remember, children are not born knowing how to behave; they learn from you.

Personal Care

If you think your child is struggling more than usual with their appearance, perhaps you can encourage them to join groups that offer support for body image issues. In addition to encouraging them to eat healthily and exercise regularly, show an interest in what they wear and how it makes them feel.

You can also teach them the value of healthcare visits. Often, children aren’t fond of dentists out of their fear. But you can convince them of the importance of physical care. As tooth implant and extraction procedures become more advanced, children can leave the dentist with a brand-new smile.

Avoid Disruptions
couple signing of their divorce paper in front of a witness

Disruptions in the home environment, such as divorce or relocated parents, shift work, and economic constraints, can be stressful for children. These situations are most likely to affect your child’s mental health if he cannot establish secure attachments with their carer. Evidence demonstrates that when children are in a stable and emotionally nurturing environment, they will be better equipped to deal with stress.

Positive parenting isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution, but the more techniques you know, the better you’ll be able to guide your child towards a happy and secure life.

In conclusion, parenting is a hard job to do, but if you are willing, ready, and able, it will be the most rewarding experience in your life.

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