What Today’s Businesses Do to Support Employee’s Mental Wellness

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Even before the pandemic arrived, modern companies are doing what they can to support their employee’s mental health. They realize the fact that mentally healthy employees are productive and effective in their roles. Before, what most businesses care about is the physical health and safety of their employees. Now, even their mental health is a huge matter. Thanks to millennials’ desire to normalize mental health, more companies are prioritizing mental health awareness.

The good news is, one has different options on how they can support employees’ mental health. Here’s what many modern companies do today to embrace mental health awareness within their organization.

Providing Better Health Benefits

No law obliges companies to provide their employees with health care coverage. But then, the Affordable Care Act in the U.S. makes it clear that medium-sized companies and large companies should provide health insurance to their workers. Failure to provide enough health care insurance can lead to the IRS coming after your business.

By providing better health benefits, one can give their employees better peace of mind knowing they and their loved ones. Many people can’t afford the rising costs of healthcare. Providing them with enough health coverage will give them less stress to worry about.

Companies only need to shop for health insurance premiums that accommodate their budget and their employee’s needs. Some employee group health insurance is designed to satisfy employee well-being and are tailored to your company’s unique needs and objectives. This helps create a mentally healthier workforce, leading to better productivity.

Model Healthy Behaviors

Your company managers and leaders are what your employee look up to. It is not enough that you tell your employees that you care about their mental health. It also pays that you model certain behaviors that will ensure that taking care of their mental health makes sense.

For instance, tell your managers to model self-care as needed. This could mean taking breaks as needed. Set boundaries to thrive both at work and in their personal life. Share the things you do that show you yourself are prioritizing self-care.

Instead of simply providing your employees with a pantry full of healthy snacks, show that you patronize the healthy menu. Encourage them to see the company doctor if they feel unwell and be sure to do the same. It also helps if you join mental health training to show your support for the program.

depressed person

Be Inclusive and Welcome Diversity

Your company may be preaching about equality all the time. But if you fail to embrace what you preach, then you won’t be able to empower your workforce.   It is time that you try to be inclusive and welcome diversity within your organization.

A diverse and inclusive workplace can gain employee trust and boost their satisfaction rate. When employees are happy and satisfied, they are more likely to be productive. You get to mitigate common biases and empower workers who used to feel left out.

This is not to say that you should only forget about one’s color and ethnicity when hiring. This can also mean hiring talented applicants who, despite certain disabilities, have what it takes to help your company thrive.

Normalize Flexibility

It is about time that businesses start embracing the fact that today’s modern employees demand flexibility. Not everyone can work a nine-to-five schedule. Some of the most talented individuals in the industry can be full-time parents, single parents, introverts, thrive in a remote setting, or won’t move to another city or state to be part of your company.

Different employees have their own different struggles. Some can’t afford to leave their children behind, thus their need to be home 24/7. Some are stressed about working in a traditional office setting, driving their productivity down.

Normalizing flexibility will enable you to keep your best talents. You can enjoy a win-win situation where they stay productive and efficient in their jobs while you keep them in your organization. Through proper communication and setting of expectations, you can determine which of your employees can work well under a flexible schedule.

Measure and Evaluate Efforts

Companies should not forget to measure the success rate of their mental health awareness program. This can be in the form of surveys and a series of productivity assessments. Don’t simply assume your efforts are paying off without facts supporting your data.

Invest in direct employee input and ask them related questions. Ask them for their suggestions on what else can be done and needs to be improved. Only when you understand your employees’ needs will you find the best ways to support their mental well-being.

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