Top 4 Water Softener Problems to Know

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Water softeners are vital aspects that people with hard water should not lack. Due to the vital role that the systems play at home, people ought to take care of them by maintaining them regularly. Water softeners must be well-maintained for them to serve their purpose, which is to get rid of calcium and magnesium ions from water. However, just like other home systems, water softeners have the potential to become faulty over time even after maintaining them.

Several problems can shorten the lifespan of your water softener in Salt Lake City; more so, if they are not addressed early enough. Therefore, you should know about some common water softener issues that you might encounter. Make sure that you hire a repair technician as soon as you realize these common water softener problems:


Systems that have something flowing inside them have the potential of experiencing blockages. Magnesium and calcium can accumulate and cause deposits in your plumbing system. Similarly, water softeners encounter the same issue when minerals and salt from the brine solution that gets rid of the water hardness accumulate. Blockages often take place in the brine line and the filter screen because the deposits block the route, which makes the path impeded. Therefore, when you notice blockages in your system, contact a technician immediately to prevent further damage.

Water pressure drop

When the water pressure drops further from what you are accustomed to, the first faulty fixture that comes into your mind is your shower or a clogged faucet. It could be that your water softener has a problem. The water pressure from the city water department might not be enough, or your water softener might be faulty. You need to check the pressure valve if you have it in your home so that you can confirm that the water pressure is at its maximum.

Salt bridges

Besides forming within the lines, salt also accumulates inside the tank. A salt bridge forms when the accumulation is on the extreme. It happens when the sodium forms thick piles of buildup at the base of the tank. If you notice that your water softener is running but does not soften water, then there is a salt bridge in the tank that is preventing it from removing the minerals in the hard water. Additionally, the problem of salt bridges also prevents the water softener system from undergoing the regeneration cycle. Fortunately, the problem is not difficult to repair.

Motor issues

Instalation of a water softener in boiler room

Like other appliances or systems, water softeners also have motors. Usually, the engines perform their roles throughout the existence of the water softener. However, sometimes they become faulty and stop functioning before the rest of the system becomes non-functional. When your motor becomes defective, you can call a technician to replace it with a new one.

If you notice one or more of the problems discussed above, you should not get worried. Instead, call a technician as soon as you notice them. Additionally, you should avoid trying to repair the problems without the help of an expert.

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