Make Your Home Hurricane-proof: What You Should Do

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The strong winds and torrential downpour that come with a hurricane can cause massive amounts of property damage—not to mention the risk they impose on humans and animals’ lives. For these reasons alone, all homeowners—especially those that live in hurricane-prone areas—must take extra steps to protect their homes from the destruction that a hurricane can bring.

Whether you live in a hurricane-prone area or not, it pays to be prepared. Here are some of the best ways to make your house more hurricane-resistant:

1. Update your windows

The windows are perhaps the most fragile parts of a home because they can easily break during a strong hurricane. Even if your windows do not sustain an impact from a flying object, the high-speed winds alone can be enough to cause the glass to shatter. And if there are flying objects that come into contact with your windows, the flying glass, as well as the object itself, can cause serious harm to whoever is nearby.

That said, one of the best ways to hurricane-proof your home is to get window installation services to replace your old windows. Impact windows are most ideal for houses in hurricane zones as these are built to withstand heavy rain, hail, strong winds, and flying objects. Alternatively, you can reinforce your existing windows with plywood if a hurricane is coming your way.

2. Invest in a metal roof

If you live in or are planning to move to an area considered a hurricane zone, consider installing a metal roof on your home. Roofs that are made from less durable materials can easily fly off in hurricane-force winds. And aside from causing massive amounts of damage to your home, the bits of roof that fly off can pose a danger to other houses.

To increase your home’s resistance against hurricanes, install a metal roof built to withstand strong winds, hail, and torrential downpours. Apart from the material’s durability, metal roofing is outfitted with interlocking panels that provide a higher level of strength compared to traditional shingle roofs.

Although the cost of a metal roof is higher than other roofs, the price is worth paying for the extra level of protection against hurricanes and other natural disasters.

3. Prepare the yard

yard preparation

Trees become highly dangerous during a hurricane. Overgrown branches can break and cause damage to the home’s exteriors. The rain can also make the ground softer, causing the tree to lean in the direction of the wind. And if the tree is close enough, there is a high risk of falling into the house.

Accumulated debris in gutters can also prevent the water from flowing effectively, which can cause the gutter system to break off and water to accumulate on the roof. If there is a lot of untrimmed brush in the yard, the debris that flies off during the hurricane can cause the grass to “drown.”

To prevent these things from happening, avoid slacking on lawn care. Be sure to trim trees and brush regularly, even if there is no storm coming your way. Don’t forget to clear the gutters as well. And if there is a tree near the house, consider relocating it somewhere further or removing it from the yard entirely.

4. Reinforce your doors

Non-reinforced doors are especially vulnerable during a hurricane. If they cannot withstand impact, they can easily blow off the hinges and let the winds inside, which, in turn, can cause air pressure to build in the house and potentially wreck the roof, among other types of internal damage.

Reinforcing your doors gives you another layer of protection against strong hurricanes. Start by replacing all of your entry doors with fiberglass doors. Fiberglass is the best material for hurricane resistance. It can withstand strong winds better than other types of doors, and it is best at keeping the rain out. Then, consider investing in a hurricane-resistant garage door as well. This door consists of steel reinforcements, extra hardware, and spring parts that make it extremely durable to hurricane-strength winds.

Apart from doors, it is also a great idea to install water barriers on all entrances to prevent the entry of water into your home.

These are just some of the things that you can do to hurricane-proof your home, but they provide the highest levels of protection during hurricanes—as well as other types of natural disasters. To make your home more resistant to hurricanes, don’t forget to pay attention to your overall home maintenance as well. After all, poorly maintained homes are the ones most susceptible to hurricane and water damage.

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