Should You Include Juicing in a Diabetic Diet Plan?

Diabetic Diet Plan
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Several studies have shown that juicing might not be advisable for people with type 1 diabetes, especially if their blood sugar levels are not kept under control.

Take note that extracting juices even from fresh produce can immediately elevate your blood sugar. Even if patients closely monitor their health condition, they should consider adding only low-sugar fruit and vegetable juices into their diet. However, those who have parents or siblings with diabetes should also know that juicing won’t necessarily increase their risk of contracting the disease.

Diabetes in Utah

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said that there around 30 million people with diabetes in the country. The illness rate has been growing partly because of the rising number of obese Americans. The same situation happens in Utah where more than 201,000 people live with diabetes in Provo, Salt Lake City, and Orem among other cities.

There are other risk contributors such as genetics and race, but constant exposure to stress can also increase a person’s vulnerability to diabetes. This is more common among urban residents due to a busier lifestyle, although awareness is likely more prevalent among city folks than rural residents. In fact, 54,000 people in Utah are unaware that they have diabetes based on the American Diabetes Association’s (ADA) estimates.

On the other hand, 619,000 adults are in the prediabetes stage due to high blood sugar levels, according to the ADA. You might want to review your options for juicing if you fall into this category.


Why Does Blood Sugar Increase?

The body absorbs the natural sugar from fresh orange juice more quickly than just eating the fruit. Higher blood glucose levels after drinking fruit and vegetable juices can happen because of fiber loss during the extraction process. It all begins in the digestive tract.

Overconsumption of calories serves as another reason why you shouldn’t consider adding fresh juices in your diet. It’s easier to lose count of the recommended calories in this way. Plus, the delicious taste might only encourage you to make more fruit juices. All of this will eventually lead to weight gain that goes against keeping your blood sugar in check.

Strike a Balance

While juicing can increase a patient’s blood sugar, it doesn’t mean that you should deprive yourself or your loved ones with a glass or two. It can be more difficult to tell children with type 1 diabetes why they can’t just drink any fruit juices, but the key to a controlled blood sugar level involves adding more fiber-rich food into their diet. By doing so, you can slow down the body’s process of absorbing sugar and prevent an immediate spike in glucose levels.

You might want to consume fruits and vegetables in their solid forms to avoid the risk of elevated blood sugar. Even if you choose organic juicing, you can’t exactly determine how your digestive tract absorbs sugar right away. Consult a specialty clinic or dietician today to find out the best option for your health condition.

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