Three Decluttering Questions to Ask Other Than ‘Does It Spark Joy?’

pile of stuff to be decluttered
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Many people are obsessed about decluttering these days. Not only because of the stronger minimalist movement, but also the Marie Kondo popularity. It has gotten people asking “does it spark joy?” as they clean up their closets and shelves.
The KonMari decluttering method does work for a lot of people, but to some, it’s nothing but a sentimental way of self-reflection, which leaves them unsatisfied in the actual goal of getting rid of stuff. If you’re one of the latter who declutter but end up still clutching clutter, here are other questions you can ask yourself.

This is where most people struggle. When they discover something they haven’t used lately, they will tell themselves that they would use it from then on. So, they decide to keep it. But more often than not, that dress still ends up at the back of the closet.

If you were able to survive a long time in the past without an item, there’s a good chance that you won’t be using it in the future. Instead of making space for the unused, prioritize what’s useful now.

Will you bring it when you move?

The thought of relocation puts things in perspective. Moving costs would be high, so you want to keep only a handful of items. You would be living in a new home, buying new furniture and stuff.

If you think you’re going to take an item with you should you move, it may mean that you really need it. Thus, it’s wise to keep it now. Otherwise, throw it out or donate it. If you’re indeed relocating, consider getting professional move out/in cleaning services in Ogden to make decluttering a little more bearable.

Can someone else use it?

woman bringing stuff in the thrift store
People usually find it hard to get rid of an item because they’re emotionally attached to it. You may be holding on to that broken bike that’s been sitting in your garage for years because it gives you that feeling of being a child again. It’s a good feeling. It “sparks joy,” but then again, you no longer use it.

The attachment can be unpleasant, too. You may be clutching on to that outdated rug your cousin gave you on your wedding day because of the guilt of throwing it away. If you have an emotional motive behind keeping things, try to look at it in a more practical way: would someone else enjoy it? Don’t let the bike get stuck in your garage or the outdated rug bothering you for years; donate them.

The KonMari method may work for some. But if it doesn’t for you, you don’t have to pine over not knowing which sparks joy to you. Ask yourself these alternative questions.

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